Monday, July 31, 2006

BartPE utilities disk

Awww if Gerald hasnt already talked about it in class I bet you just ruined it for him. =( He told our class about it and I immediatly went home and made one, however Geralds is still better than mine but I'm improving it. They are great and I suggest everyone work on building their own unless you want to try and talk Gerald out of a copy of his.... there are requirements though =P

I would just like to add a link that may help in creating your bart cd
help on slipstreaming service packs into your cd can be found here

Good post Chris, I hope you didnt ruin it for Gerald =P

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hrrmmm you got a tough one started...

Although probably not my favorite tech site is deffinately one of them.
Some other good ones I find myself visiting often when troubleshooting problems are:

and of course for who knows windows better than microsoft?

although I know none of these are forums, I resort to forum searching as a last resort if I can't find my answers directly from the manufacturer. And in that event I don't usually have a specific forum I goto, I'll google it and end up at a forum where someone had already dealt with a similar issue. Hope you enjoy browsing these though, lots of neat tricks to try if you have the spare time + equipment.

The Terrafugia Transition

Awww, Looks like I missed Tech Tuesday. Hope you all are enjoying Geralds class as much as I did, and sorry I'm late on this but I guess Gerald can't really get mad at me anymore. =P
Just playin Gerald. I still read this blog so you cats in Street Tech Gen:13 better stay on your toes. In any case I wish I'da known about this yesterday but its better late than never.
Here Goes...

July 26, 2006 An interesting new flying car is being launched this week at Oshkosh. The Transition is a Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) designed to make general aviation more practical for personal transportation. From start-up company Terrafugi, the Transition drives like a car on public roads and can transition into an aircraft at the nearest airport by lowering its 27-foot wings and taking off. As an aircraft it has a top speed of 130mph, a range of 500 miles and can carry a payload of 430 pounds. One stop gives you over a thousand miles of range inside eight hours. Then you land and fold up the wings and you’re back on the road.

I want mine to be midnight blue though so I can blend in with the sky at night. Soo Tight. If you guys (or gals) would like to read more on this, you can find the complete article ---> Here
In the meantime I have an order I need to go place... mmm...bells&whistles...&missiles!