Tuesday, April 19, 2005

How are you doing?

We had today a good word from Joe about the give back program here at streettech. Its funny, I talked about the give back program and rather vehemently to the class. Most people figure Oh Gerald he doesn't do any volunteer work. He only wants to get paid for doing computers. Not true at all. Because of streettech I was able to learn that even if I was unemployed it did not mean that I was not able to give something worthy to others.

I learned to Give Back and by doing so, spread the message to many others of my friends and acquaintances, who might never have even thought about giving back to their community.

Its funny about ideas. The tend to take on a life of their own when properly nurtured. The idea of give back is not practiced much here in the 21st century. All we have to do is to take a look around at the world around us to know that to be true.

Now even after completing the class I still find myself giving back to my community and spreading the message to those around me like an "Idea Virus". Infecting everyone with whom I come in contact. The Idea that it is OK to do something for someone outside of ones own self.

Happy Tuesday to you all


P.S.: You Owe Too (so give the Idea Virus a chance to spread)

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