Wednesday, February 22, 2006
How-To: Embed video into your blog
It took me about 3 mins to google a fairly simple walkthrough on embeding video intoyour web site(s) and you can view that by clicking this link ---> HERE
To start you'll need a video file to embed, whether it is on your hard disk or hosted over the internet. Once you have that, you need to imbed it into your blog with a simple command like
"embed src=fielname.???""/embed" where the quotes are replaced by <> to start and close the command, also, "filename.???" is replaced by the name or URL of your file. If done right you should get results along the lines of this video.
You can also adjust the width and height of your embeded video but I suggest setting these parameters to the same specifications of the video itself or you'll get alot of unused space.
You, can set the video to loop or auto start, give it audio, forward and back controls, etc. If you would like to view the code I used to embed this video you can do so by clicking the "View" menu at the top of your web browser and choosing "Source" or "View Source" depending on your browser, and the browser will open a window with all the HTML used in the current web page you are viewing.
There are also many different types of video files, some including (but not limited to) .asf .mpg .avi .wma. .mov and many others. I have yet to embed a .mov file, but I'm sure its not much different that embeding other types as long as the correct call to a viewer that can play that file type is made. As an example, here is a flash video being played in its own viewer on my own private blog here at
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Tech Tuesday - Hydrogen Powered Bike!
The ENV (Emissions Neutral Vehicle) bike was designed to Intelligent Energy's brief by a British team, led by multi-award-winning designers Seymourpowell. The ENV bike is fully-functioning and has been engineered and purpose-built (based around Intelligent Energy's CORE fuel cell) from the ground up, demonstrating the real, everyday applicability of fuel cell technology. The CORE, which is completely detachable from the bike, is a radically compact and efficient fuel cell, capable of powering anything from a motorboat to a small domestic property.
I found this while trying to hunt down specs on a wood fueled engine for a motorcycle, I read about a few months back. Let me tell you this blows that bike away... James Bond all over again.
If you would like more info on this Bike you can find it at...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
The X-Finger® is the worlds first active-function artificial finger assembly designed specifically for partial finger amputees. The device allows users to regain complete control of the flexion and extension movements of an artificial finger in a self-contained device. It is designed to bend a silicone finger sheath in a realistic manner.
Wow... I think I want 8 of these, one for every finger I have. (I think I'll keep my thumbs) Think of what kind of things can be built off of this technology. Just imagine this type of finger with built in motors and/or powesupplieses, with memory locations for your keyboard, and an uplink to your brain. So instead of actually having to type all you have to do is think it. Much like the fingers of typists in Ghost In The Shell. Sounds better than buggy voice recognition software to me. Yes, Yes, I think I'll have 8 of those please. =D
Another Learning Experience
Another week has pass it seem like is only yesterday...I have learn a lot and studying hard >>>!!
Is scary what I'm goin to accomplish in a 6 months span....and knowing that I didn't know what I wanted a year ago.. Especially the GOAL SETTING it makes you think about your Dreams...and realistically can be reach if you want it that BAD...... Everyone who read this "remember that lecture with Mr BRYANT...........Here is a video link that just check out that new robot that's made in Japan
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Tech Tuesday ~ Aston Shell
Aston is a new Desktop and Shell replacement for Windows 9X/ME/NT/2K/XP.It replaces the standard Windows Desktop and provides you with a host of new features, such as Sidebars, clock, weather monitor, animated buttons, transparency effects and much more.Aston also supports Themes, which allow you to change its appearance and functionality according to your mood and needs. No matter what visual style you like: XP, Aqua or something else; you can always download hundreds of Themes, created by professional designers or amateurs from Aston's homepage or one of numerous other skin sites.Aston features a powerful and user friendly interface, which lets you change your new desktop's appearance and behavior in few seconds. No need to learn complicated configuration files, everything can be configured in a simple graphical interface.A great balance between performance and appearance allows you to launch Aston even on out of the date PCs or its enjoy many advanced features on more modern computers. Aston is very stable and has a small memory footprint and low CPU usage, so you can free your processor time for other tasks.
This Shell Replacement is fantastic, I use it myself on my home pc. Above is a screen shot of my desktop. Its completely customizable and many users create and upload thier own plugins to the aston shell website. However its not free. =( It has a 1 time setup fee. If you are interested in checking out Aston Shell go here --->
great thanks
and just being in class with hyper energetic Mr Bryant really this man knows what his talking about.....But only a week off about 5 months and a half left.>>>>!!!!!