Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How-To: Embed video into your blog

Embeding video into your blog can be fairly simple given your blog host can support it. While I am still pretty new to blogging, I have an understanding of HTML.

It took me about 3 mins to google a fairly simple walkthrough on embeding video intoyour web site(s) and you can view that by clicking this link ---> HERE

To start you'll need a video file to embed, whether it is on your hard disk or hosted over the internet. Once you have that, you need to imbed it into your blog with a simple command like
"embed src=fielname.???""/embed" where the quotes are replaced by <> to start and close the command, also, "filename.???" is replaced by the name or URL of your file. If done right you should get results along the lines of this video.

You can also adjust the width and height of your embeded video but I suggest setting these parameters to the same specifications of the video itself or you'll get alot of unused space.
You, can set the video to loop or auto start, give it audio, forward and back controls, etc. If you would like to view the code I used to embed this video you can do so by clicking the "View" menu at the top of your web browser and choosing "Source" or "View Source" depending on your browser, and the browser will open a window with all the HTML used in the current web page you are viewing.

There are also many different types of video files, some including (but not limited to) .asf .mpg .avi .wma. .mov and many others. I have yet to embed a .mov file, but I'm sure its not much different that embeding other types as long as the correct call to a viewer that can play that file type is made. As an example, here is a flash video being played in its own viewer on my own private blog here at

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